In early March, we were excited to see one of our partners, Enphase Energy, give Del Sol Energy a ‘shout-out’. The blog post will be published on March 21, 2019. It is titled “Walking the Walk, or Why I Switched to Solar,” written by JD Dillon, VP of Marketing at Enphase Energy. For a mid-sized installer, this was a great reason to celebrate in our office!
More About Enphase Energy
Enphase Energy is recognized for offering the Enphase Home Energy System. This is a complete solar solution that produces, stores, monitors, controls and analyzes the energy in your home. They are renown for the Enphase microinverter. Enphase microinverters are composed of technology that is unique and advanced, adding value to your solar array.
Enphase microinverters are attached to each, an individual solar panel in a solar array. Microinverters convert the DC power generated by your solar modules into AC power. Which is utilized by your home. These same microinverters also transmit information about how your system is working through monitoring technology. This is powerful for each homeowner. This allows us to know how much energy we are producing and if there are any glitches in the system that require review.
One of the main differences between an Enphase inverter is that these inverters are micro-inverters. This means that each individual solar panel has its own inverter system mounted on to the panel. Lesser quality inverter systems are string-inverter technology. Although effective, “string-inverter” technology – that works much more like string Christmas lights. When they are all up and running, it is magic. But, when there is a problem with one, the entire string breaks down.
Why Is This Shout-Out Special?
This is an exciting shout-out to Del Sol Energy for several reasons. First, Enphase Energy is one of the leading powerhouses of microinverter technology. When one of the leading solar technology company VPs chooses your installation company to install their solar system, it is an exciting day. We know the VP of Marketing could have selected any solar installer to install his system. Yet, we are proud to be the local installer he chooses to trust with the installation of the solar system on his home.
At Del Sol Energy, we truly pride ourselves on our honest pricing, ethical sales professionals, and quality installation of superior products. And although we can talk about it and write about it and use it as a marketing tool, it is powerful when solar experts recognize these same differentiators in us as well. We are confident of the work we do. The recognition that our work is at the caliber we promote is the validation we need. We are doing the right thing and representing the solar industry in the highest regard.
What Does This Mean for Our Customers with Enphase Energy?
This is quite simple. When customers work with us at Del Sol Energy, they can trust they are getting the exact same quality installation with the same quality products at the same honest, and transparent pricing, as the VP of Marketing at Enphase Energy. Our continuous focus on improving customer experience, through pricing, products and honest conversations, is what sets us apart and something our customers can depend on. Each solar system is unique – but the customer experience is consistent. We are deeply committed to serving our customers and our community. And if leaders in the industry trust us, we hope that when you are ready to commit to solar energy, you also trust us. Reach out and learn why we are the leaders in local solar.
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