Solar Panel Maintenance Information & Requests
Check out the latest info from Del Sol Energy regarding solar panel maintenance information, requests, and meeting your needs. Never hesitate to reach out to our team and let them know what solar panel maintenance items you need to get off your to-do list.
Solar PV System Inspection and Tune Up: $249.99*
REQUEST A MAINTENANCE CALL Full system diagnostic includes:
- Inspection of the Main Interconnection Breaker
- The Main Interconnection Breaker is what provides overcurrent protection. These circuit breakers are one of the most essential electrical components of your home or business electrical systems that provides both conveniences and safety. Circuit breakers also do the same thing for your solar panel system. Circuit breakers ensure that the correct amount of energy is flowing through your panels to avoid a panel short-circuiting or causing an electrical fire. We inspect your interconnection breaker for any damage, wear, tear or improper model use to ensure your system works correctly and provides the peace of mind of a safely functioning system.
- Inspection of all connections between Main Service and Inverter
- The inverter on your solar panel system converts the power that the panels produce (direct current or D.C.) into energy your home or business can use (alternating current or A.C.) Without an inverter, regardless of how much energy your panels produce, you will not be able to use any of it. This mean that if there are any sort of problems with your inverter, your may have less access to the energy your system produces than you could be. If you have a faulty inverter, you may be producing a significant amount of energy and not having any access to use any of it for your home. At Del Sol Energy, we inspect the connections between the inverter, your main service, and your solar panels to ensure you are able to use the energy your solar array is producing.
- Cleaning of the Inverter
- We clean your inverter to ensure peak performance.
- Inspection of the entire system for compliance with current building and fire code.
- The fire department and government have a series of fire codes to ensure homeowner safety. When your solar panels and inverters are installed correctly, meaning according to code, solar panels do not pose any sort of threat or danger to your home. However, when they are not up to code, danger lurks. For example, panels not installed correctly could inhibit access to the roof of your home or cause a deficient path of ventilations between the panels and the roof. These codes allow for proper smoke ventilation in the case of a fire that reaches the roof and allow for access to the roof to put out any fires that may be ignited. Fire codes also dictate where wiring systems can be placed, especially those that involve direct current, which greatly reduces the risk of an electrical fire. There are cases of negligent or unprofessional installers who do not property install systems according to safety code, which places your home, business and family at risk. Del Sol Energy professionals will provide a full inspection of your system and address anything that does not meet compliance standards.
- Analysis of systems compliance with current Building and Fire Code.
- Replacement of all wire nuts with heavy duty equivalent.
- The most common points of failure in any solar system is the wire splice connections, widely known as wire nuts. There are untrained and uneducated solar panel installers that use incorrect wire nut techniques when installing solar panel systems to connect multiple wires together. Specific types of wire nets are not intended to withstand moisture and should never be used outdoors. By nature, solar panels are an outdoor electrical system and wire nuts will corrode and ultimately damage your system. Additionally, most wire nuts are not built to withstand high heat. As most solar panel systems are installed in sunny areas, wire nuts can melt, which causes a short in the wire they connect. Unfortunately, Del Sol Energy employees have spotted the use of improper wire nuts and techniques used in many installations by other solar companies. When we evaluate your system, we will replace all existing connections to err on the side of caution.
- Perform shading test.
- We want to ensure that your system is performing at its absolute best. Shade covering your panels is one of the biggest enemies to obtaining peak solar performance. Regardless of the size, quality, efficiency or durability of your panel, shade will ensure your panels are not working as well as they should be and you are not receiving the full benefit of your solar system. Let Del Sol Energy inspect your system for possible obstructions, shadows or materials that may be detracting for your panels working. We will conduct tests in order to calculate how the surrounding area and shade impact your system. We will also provide options for overcoming any problems we uncover.
- Inspection of monitoring equipment.
- Migration of customers monitoring site to Del Sol Energy servers**
- It is vital to monitor how much energy your system is producing. Monitoring allows you to determine if your system is not producing as much as it is expected to produce and fix errors as soon as they happen. Monitoring also allows you to track when your system is performing at its best – typically on an especially warm, sunny and clear day. It is fulfilling to check on your system and see all the energy it is producing for your home. As part of our system inspection and tune up, Del Sol Energy will also transfer your monitoring services to Del Sol Energy servers, if you have monitoring on your system. This way you will be able to check on your system at any given time and watch how much energy you’re are producing. Del Sol Energy will inspect your monitoring equipment and ensure that everything it reports is accurate.
- Report of findings and system performance
- Del Sol Energy is dedicated to keeping you informed and up-to-date. Whatever we find during your system inspection, we will present to you. We will let you know if your system is performing as expected or if there are errors or other factors preventing your system from performing at it’s best. We will let you know if your breaker, inverter, and monitoring equipment are working together smoothly. And we will also let you know if we replaced any wire nuts or found anything causing your system to be shaded.
- 90-day Warranty on all repairs ***
- We offer a 90-day warranty on all our repairs. This means that you have a guarantee, when you agree to any necessary fixes, that these fixes are going to last and they are going to perform correctly. Let us know within 90 days if you notice anything that might be off and we will ensure that any issues are corrected.
*Some services may require additional cost due to site conditions. Very fragile roof types may preclude rooftop inspection. **Provided customer has monitoring set. ***Provided customer agrees to necessary fixes. A Solar Company You Can Trust Is your solar system a few years old? Or perhaps you are concerned that it is not producing the amount of solar energy it should. Perhaps you see a bit of cracked glass on one of your panels or something looks different on the roof. For all these concerns, Del Sol Energy is the solar company you can trust to service your solar system. Del Sol Energy is your leader in local solar. We are a solar company built by solar experts with a showroom located in historic downtown Brentwood. We have an open-door policy within our company and warmly invite customers into the showroom to ask questions and learn more about their solar system or the trends in the solar industry. We provide the best customer experience to our residential and commercial customers, whether it is in the Showroom, the installation or during maintenance or service of panels. We are dedicated, passionate and diligent in providing you with the best solar experience in California and Nevada. If you are experiencing any concerns or having any sort of issues with your existing solar power system, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have an open Showroom with Energy Advisers available daily. Our team can diagnose and fix any solar energy problem you have at your home or commercial site. We know how frustrating it can be to have a solar system malfunction or not perform at top capacity. We provide immediate and thorough solar assistance. If there is a problem, we are your resource for solutions. The Significance of Routine Solar Maintenance Even when your solar system is working well, it is still important to get it checked out regularly to ensure safe and optimal solar energy use. According to, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems require “routine, periodic, maintenance.” Del Sol Energy is your partner to ensure your solar power system stays efficient, safe and productive for a long time. Regardless of the decision you make, please consult a solar professional with any service that you contact on your solar energy system. Solar repair can be incredibly dangerous, and we want your family to be safe. It is important you consult with an expert on any routine maintenance or solar repairs for your safety and that of your family. As a fully insured, bonded and licensed contractor with employees covered with Worker’s Compensation, you can trust us to provide the services your system needs in the safest way possible. We have the expertise and experience to care for your solar system and ensure you are getting the most out of your investment. Your Leaders in Local Solar We did not become the leaders in local solar alone. As our customers have experienced Del Sol Energy, they have come to understand our commitment to our community and customers. We want you to be comfortable and confident in your choice of solar energy experts, knowing that regardless of who installed your system, we can provide the maintenance and diagnosis your system needs. We want you to experience Del Sol Energy and learn why we are your leaders in local solar.