Ensemble is energy management technology. This is from Enphase which enables solar, storage, and the grid to seamlessly work together to ensure clean, reliable, economical and safe energy. Ensemble is our technological solution for the future of energy. There are smart homes equipped to respond to your presence, to your preferences, to your ideals. … [Read more...]
California Power Grid: Ready for More Solar?
New legislation woven into California's building code has mandated that nearly all new homes have solar. This new law is starting in January of 2020. The new building mandates are designed to help California meet green energy goals. Which aim for 50% of all energy being used in the California power grid to come from a renewable source in 2030 and … [Read more...]
Solar Battery Storage Systems
Solar battery storage systems are becoming more and more common. Once seen as something that was used only by people who were attempting to live off the grid, today we know that solar batteries are for everyone. When it comes to making a solar battery purchase, there are a few concepts important to think about to ensure you choose the right solar … [Read more...]