Over the last few months, we have written frequently about solar scams. Between the door-knockers, cart chasers at Home Depot and social media scams, consumers are battling scammers. This is typically before they can connect with a legitimate player in the solar industry. Not only is this harmful to the industry at large, but it is also harmful to … [Read more...]
Bait and Switch Scam: Solar Edition
Part of my role at Del Sol Energy is to spend time visiting with other local business owners. This may include real estate professionals, and individuals engaged in community education and community development. Many questions pop up during visits and workshops that include questions on finance, installation, and various panels. … [Read more...]
Government Solar Program
When cost of living is high and there are increases from the utility company on the rise, we all begin to look for ways to save money. Solar has long been proven a solution for homeowners and business owners. Savings from owning a residential or solar panel installation are immediate. Plus, they allow you to control for the constant cost of … [Read more...]
Solar Scams: The Sweet Promises & Words They Use
It seems that there is a constant battle in the solar industry. As a small, legitimate solar company – we find we are constantly having to educate our customers about the solar scam artists that infiltrate social media feeds and come knocking on their doors in the evening hours. We are also intimately aware that many of the ‘sweet words’ we see … [Read more...]