Growing up in the 80s, the idea of saving the world was robust. There was talk of saving the whales, talk of protecting endangered species and a lot of talk about recycling. Very infrequently was there talk of solar. Why? The technology was out of reach for the average consumer. It was expensive, and it was difficult to find any sort of local solar company that could install your panels. Fast forward 20 years, and solar is everywhere. And as competition between residential solar companies become more intense, the draw of solar panels was saving money. The environment was lost.
The problem is, without remembering how solar panels can save the deteriorating environment, people may be less determined to get them installed. Saving money is important. But, money saved is not much when there is not any place to live. So consider it an environmental health solution by going solar.
Eliminate Greenhouse Gases
Most of the electricity in the United States comes from fossil fuels, like coal, and natural gas. Extracting fossil fuels is both expensive and harmful to the environment. Greenhouse gases are produced when fossil fuels are burned, further damaging the environment. With solar panels, you generate electricity from an abundant resource – the sun! Reducing dependence on fossil fuels will show an immediate decrease in the amount of greenhouse emissions. We know burning fossil fuels has led to rising global temperatures and climate change. Residential solar allows homeowners to eliminate greenhouse gases. Solar is a solution to the serious environmental and public health issues plaguing the world. Choosing a clean energy source for electricity through solar can eliminate carbon emissions.
Solar Keeps Us Healthy
One of the largest benefits of solar is that is results in very few air pollutants. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that widespread solar adoption would significantly reduce nitrous oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter emissions. These are all toxins that are major contributors to health problems. Solar means we can expect few cases of chronic bronchitis, respiratory and cardiovascular problems, and lost workday and school day related issues. Looking at an even bigger picture, renewable energy dependency has reduced premature mortality. Knowing we can live longer with cleaner air and water is another simple reason to choose solar.
When you are ready to put on your superhero cape, reach out to one of our Energy Advisers. They can help you learn how your residential solar system can keep you and the environment healthy. Remember, solar is not just about saving money. It is about saving the environment.
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